Publisher: Ace (July 2011)
Genre: Military Science Fiction
Format: PB (432 pages)
Source: Purchased
Series: Theirs not to reason why #1
Rating 4.5/5
Ia is a precog, tormented by visions of the future where her home galaxy has been devastated. To prevent this vision from coming true, Ia enlists in the Terran United Planets military with a plan to become a soldier who will inspire generations for the next three hundred years-a soldier history will call Bloody Mary.
If the world is going to go hell and you need saving, you need, no WANT Ia on your side.
To those that start this book and groan over the massive descriptions of guns and basic training, don't worry that's just basic and the action when it starts is amazing!
Ia's talents are revealed in small snippets and tantalizing teases thought out the book. When the action does start it is exciting and really got my blood pumping. Let's just say when Ia goes surfing, she does it precog style.
When it comes to world building, I think that Jean Johnson must have been born in the future and came back in a time machine. I'm mean talk about impressive people. The detail that she put into it is mind blowing and the reader will fall into that world and absorb it, hey where is my mechsuit?
Ia, pronounced e-yee, is so well written she is walking off the pages. Damn good first book in a series!
Quip from the book...
"Corporal, you are currently bare-asteroid naked!" D'kora argued.
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